How long do CBD dog treats take to kick in?

BD (cannabidiol) is a chemical compound found in a group of over 100 distinctive chemical compounds known as “cannabinoids”. It is extracted from the Marijuana plant and is known for its effectiveness on brain receptors in not only humans but dogs as well. They are helpful in stress relief, pain alleviation in dogs with arthritis, creating appetite, calming dogs with heart issues or seizures, and neutralizing the harmful effects of any medication. If you are looking for a top-quality CBD treats for your dog, visit
The rising trend towards CBD treats has raised one important question, how long does CBD treat takes to kick-in? As more people become familiar with its proven positive effects, they find themselves eager to know the details regarding its working. Such an important aspect is the time these treats take to start working. This article attempts to explore this question.

The Need to Know:

CBD treats are not psychoactive and are non-toxic. They lack any harmful side effects like changes in cognitive senses inducing a feeling of “high” as their impact on the brain’s cannabinoid receptors “CB1” and CB2” is little to none. These receptors are responsible for changes in chemical composition in mind that can lead to a “stoned” condition in most mammals, including dogs. Instead, cannabidiol binds to other receptors that help reduce stress, reduce anxiety, lower pain, and regulate body temperature, among other things.

Dog owners today are more conscious about providing the right treatment to their pets than ever. With a multifaceted medical industry that is overwhelmingly beaming with a variety of brands, people want to be sure that their requirement is accurately realized, and the solution provided to them is optimal. It has to be optimal in the sense that it does what it is supposed to do fast and with minimal to no side-effects. CBD, with its current medical findings, is just about the optimal drug treatment they look for.

So how long does it take to work?

The time taken by a CBD treatment to kick-in depends on various factors. Every pet and every illness is different from others. The ailment can either be situational or chronic. Situational illnesses can include stress, pain, and loss of appetite, whereas chronic diseases may comprise anxiety, arthritis, and mobility problems. According to a feedback survey conducted by Treatables, the effects start to set in after five minutes to one hour. On average, CBD treats start to kick-in after 20 minutes for situational ailments. However, according to Cannanine, it may take up to two to four weeks to see significant results for the treatment of chronic diseases such as joint pains. The results may vary according to the particular dog, as these are average estimates based on individual observations.


The time taken by CBD to show effects is conditioned to several factors, including dog type, nature of the illness, and amount of dosage required. However, most cases show satisfactory results within 20 minutes or two to four weeks based on the ailment type. Thus, CBD is a highly optimal drug.

Posted in: CBD